Hey y'all! I hope you are having an amazing day so far. Thank y'all so much for the continuous support and encouragement that y'all have sent me through email, text, call, and letter. Summer is always such a busy time for my family and myself. Even though I have not uploaded a blog in a while, I have received love and support saying that you guys can not wait for my next blog, or that you have went and re-read my old ones, and were just as encouraged. I just pray I can continue to help those who need help, and be a light in this dark, dark world. Still, I apologize that I did not get to write a blog sooner. It has honestly just been so crazy with work and church and back to school... it makes me feel like I just can not complete all the tasks within my day. I feel as if I make progress, only to be kicked back to the beginning because I made a little mistake, and then never complete that task or duty until days or weeks down the road.
On that note, is that not one of the MOST satisfying things to do? Being able to say you have completed a job or task? I know it is for me. There is always little tasks each month that I have to complete. But, there is this big financial report that I have to do quarterly, or every three months, and let me tell you... When I can click that completed button, it is as if a ton of weight has left my shoulders for a bit. But, when I clicked that button in July, I thought, "If only I could overcome all of life's troubles, heartaches, rough spots, etc. with the click of a completed button!" Sometimes it seems as if the Christian life and our Christian walk is always in progress, but never completed.
That's when Hebrews 10:14 came to my mind. In a way, this verse describes how Jesus's sacrifice redeems us completely. So, in a sense, that completed button in our life HAS been pressed in our lives for us! Jesus's death did for us what we could not do ourselves. He makes us acceptable in God's eyes when we place our faith, our trust, our fears... everything in Him. "It is finished," as Jesus Himself said (John 19:30).
The fact that Jesus has completed something that is still being worked out in our lives is... hard to understand. When I am struggling (spiritually, mentally, physically), it is encouraging to remember that Jesus's sacrifice for me is complete, even though or even if my living it out is still a work in progress. That children's song comes to my mind: "He's still working on me... to make me what I ought to be." God is at work to make us who He INTENDS us to be. NOTHING can stop His intended end from being achieved, and eventually, our progress being completed.
"And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power." Colossians 2:10