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An Anchor in Worry

Hey y'all! I hope you are having a good day so far. I did not know if this blog was going to come out today or not, and it kind of worried me. I enjoy writing these blogs as much as some of you have told me you enjoy reading them. Thankfully, I found some time while lying in bed to write. Also, I finally got a laptop! Thanks to a young lady at church who is sweet enough to let me pay out on it, I am able to write from home once again. Back to my previous statement, I want to talk about worry.

If you are like me, you worry more often than one should! I wrestle with worry and stress almost daily. Sometimes I worry about the big things, sometimes I worry about the small things, and sometimes it seems like I worry about everything. I often have horrible, horrible nightmares about my mother leaving my sister and I, though I know she would NEVER do that. That is when I have to turn and remember the promises of God.

If you read the Bible, you know that scripture tells us over and over again that we should not be afraid. Because of God's goodness, His power, His willingness to send Jesus to die for us and our sins, and His guidance through the Holy Ghost, our fears do not have to run and rule our lives. Sometimes the struggles we face in life seem so, so big. What we have to remember is that our Lord is bigger.

Isaiah 51:12-16 is some of the scripture that has definitely helped me in my worry and fearful moments. Through this scripture, we are reminded that the Lord is still with us, His comforting presence is an ultimate reality, and no matter how bad things may seem, "I, even I, am he that comforteth you..." I absolutely love this promise. These few words are what have been my anchor in times of worry, stress, and trouble. When life felt like it was too overwhelming to take on and I felt oppressed by my own "constant terror," I clung to this promise. With this promise, God reminds us that we need to lift our eyes from our fears, and in faith, look to the one who "hath stretched forth the heavens" (verse 13). With this, we have the promise and reminder that God's comforting presence is far more powerful than our fears.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7


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"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

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