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When God Says Go

Hey y'all! I hope you guys are having an AMAZING day so far! Just want to say thank you for the continuous support and encouragement. It really helps me get through the ups and downs of this roller coaster we call life. When I started this blog, I did not expect such a great outcome. It may sound crazy, but I felt as if God wanted me to start this. I did not really know what I was going to get into. So many doubts came to mind. I thought no one would read this blog... I am not popular enough to start a blog. I know it sounds crazy, but the devil really fought me with it. It is TOTALLY out of my comfort zone, as my thoughts and ideas are never publically known. That brings me to today's blog!

If you read my first blog, you would know that I had went to college for a year. I was preparing to go back in August of 2016, which never happened due to financial struggles and the calling of God. I realized that going into missions, I would probably not be home for weeks at a time. My mind raced: How can I leave for another country for that long? How can I leave my family for that long? My church? What if God wants me to stay longer than I had planned for?

My situation reminded me of Moses, when God told him to go to Pharaoh and bring his people out (Exodus 3:10). Like Moses, I was afraid. While Moses did obey God, he still questioned him and requested that someone else go instead of him. In Moses's example, we see the way we should not act and what we should not do when we hear a CLEAR calling. Instead, we can strive to be like the disciples, the ones called by our Lord to follow him.

When Jesus called the disciples, they left EVERYTHING and followed Him. There is nothing wrong with being scared or fearing what lies ahead. Fear is natural, BUT we CAN trust God's plan. When we are led outside of our comfort zone, like I felt was happening when I started this blog and took up my calling into missions, we can GO two ways. We can go reluctantly, like Moses did, or we can go willingly, like the disciples - who followed Jesus wherever He decided to lead. We are not called to be comfortable. Sometimes this means leaving our comfortable life - our comfort zone - hundreds or thousands of miles behind us.

Going through all the processes and getting used to writing a blog on a weekly basis is difficult. But, as I continue to seek God, God continues to open doors for me that confirm that I AM where I am supposed to be. You can not grow your faith inside of your comfort zone. It may be hard and difficult now, but following Jesus, wherever he says, is worth it.

"...If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23


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"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

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