Hey y'all! I hope everyone is having a blessed day so far! Thanks for stopping by to read today's blog. I want to say thank you to all who gave me feedback on my previous blog. I almost did not go through with posting it because of how personal it was to me. But, after reading your emails and hearing your comments, I was glad that I did. Y'all are such an encouragement to me, and lift my spirits daily with the love and support you have shown thus far. Now, let's get to it!
Every year in in the fall, Oklahoma has their two major state fairs. One is located in Oklahoma City, and the other in Tulsa. Spouses, children, families, and schools ride in cars and buses, waiting in anticipation for the roller coasters, shows, and fair food. It is one of my favorite times of the year. I am a huge fair/carnival/theme park gal, and I anxiously wait for the time that I can make my way up to either cities to immerse myself in the friendly, loud, and bright environment. I anticipate the day(s) where I can ride and scream from the roller coasters and rides, eat the deliciously fattening fair food, drink the refreshing lemonade that only the fairs and carnivals can make, laugh and have fun times with friends and loved ones, and go to bed knowing that in the morning I will wake up with an aching sunburn, yet fight through that pain because I want to go back from the sadness of having to wait a whole year before I can do it all again.
Much like my wait and anticipation for the state fair(s), I often have to wait in my walk with the Lord. I wait for answers to prayers, healings for sick family, or just guidance from the Lord. While I never know the exact, or even estimated, day or time my wait will end, I have learned to wait expectantly of the Lord. In Psalm 130, I get the idea that the psalmist writes of being in deep, deep distress, facing a situation where they feel as if they are in the blackest of night. Yet, through this storm and the midst of the troubles, they choose to trust God. They choose to stay alert, similar to that of a guard or watchman on duty (verse 6).
The anticipation of God's faithfulness breaks through even the darkest of night and gives the psalmist hope to endure and fight, even in the midst of hurt or suffering. Based on promises found throughout the Bible, and even these scriptures, this hope not only allowed the psalmist to keep waiting, but lets us know that we can wait with hope, even though we have not yet see the first rays of light. I pray that you are encouraged, in the dark of the night or midst of the storm. God CAN BE TRUSTED in the light AND in the dark. Look unto the Heavens... The dawn is coming! In the meantime, while we anticipate and wait, DO NOT give up hope. I pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see Him at work. Trust him and keep watching for the deliverance of the Lord. He is, and always will be, faithful!
"I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope." Psalm 130:5