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Always Be Ready

Hey y'all! I hope y'all are having a blessed day so far! Thank y'all for sticking by my side through all of this mess with my laptop! Hopefully, I can resolve this situation soon! These past few weeks have been super stressful for me. It feels like I can not get caught up with anything. I pray and pray about a situation, and it feels as if God is not moving in my situation at all. I pray and think God is going to move at this time in this way... and then something completely unexpected happens! That brings me to today's blog!

I do not know how many of you are familiar with Caravaggio, but he was my inspiration for this blog. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was an Italian painter. His paintings combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting. His paintings had a formative influence on Baroque painting. Caravaggio was known for his fiery temperament and unconventional technique. He would take ordinary working people, use them as models for his saints, and make viewers of his paintings feel as if they were a part of that very scene. The Supper at Emmaus, pictured above, shows an innkeeper standing while Jesus and His followers are seated at a table. It depicts the followers recognizing Him as the Risen Savior and Lord. The disciple on the left looks as if he is pushing himself to a standing position, while the disciple on the right has outstretched arms and open hands, as he is astonished at this very sight.

In Luke, these events are recorded (Luke 24:30-31). It tells that the two men immediately return to Jerusalem, where they find the disciples and others gathered. They proclaimed that the Lord had really risen and that He appeared to Peter. They go on to tell their story of how Jesus appeared to them as they were walking, and how they recognized him as He was breaking the bread (Luke 24:33-35).

Oswald Chambers, an early twentieth-century Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement evangelist and teacher, once said, "Jesus rarely comes where we expect him; He appears where we least expect Him, and always in the most illogical connections. The only way a worker can keep true to God is by being ready for the Lord's surprise visits." To find the Lord Jesus Christ, we must be willing to seek Him. Whatever road we are on today, tomorrow, in two weeks, or in two years, we must be ready for Jesus to make himself known to us in new, surprising, and unexpected ways. Always be ready... After all, no man knows when His return for His children will be.

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your LORD doth come." Matthew 24:42


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"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

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