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Little Ole Me

Hey everyone! So, today won't be a typical blog. I'm blown away by the amount of emails I have received from you guys. You've requested topics, expressed yourself, and even talked to me about your problems. Thank you guys so much! One of the requests I received was that you wanted me to tell you guys about myself. I figured I would get that out of the way!

My name is Ahlyia Rianne Ralston! I was born July 6, 1997, making me twenty this year! I grew up in Gypsy, Oklahoma, until we moved to the small town of Okemah. I grew up in the country, and though we moved to the city, am still a country girl at heart. I attend Bristow Holiness Church, which is where I have went my whole life. By the Grace of God, I have been saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. I've been called to the mission field, though I haven't received specific instructions from the Lord yet. I am currently raising funds to take a missions trip. If you are interested in helping, let me know!

Some of the activities I enjoy include, but are not limited to, writing, singing, playing the piano, hunting, fishing, and hanging out with friends and family. A lot of people say I am outgoing, fun to be around, and have a great sense of humor (though I don't know how true that is)! I play the piano for the Junior Choir, and I sing in the Choir at church. I am a very outdoorsy type of person, so anything that takes place outside, I am TOTALLY in! If you know me, you know there are two things I cant live without: Jesus & pizza! A couple of my favorite things to do are praying and reading my Bible.

Prayer is like an escape for me. Any time I am having a bad day, I pray. When I am having a good day, I pray. Any time in between, I pray. I have this motto that I tell people a lot. "I am gonna P.U.S.H." and what that means is : Pray Until Something Happens. That is exactly what I plan to do. When I get down and I decide to pick my Bible up and read it, the scripture I open up to always seems to be related to my problem. If you don't read the Bible you should... there is some AMAZING stuff in there.

That's just a short little write-up about my life. If you have any other questions, or just want to talk, shoot me an email! I'm working on getting a P.O. Box so you can write to me, and I can write back! I hope you continue to read my blogs. I enjoy writing them, and I REALLY enjoy the feedback I get from you guys! Much Love!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16


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"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

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