Waiting. Probably one of the hardest things to do as a Christian, especially when it comes to the Lord's will. It sometimes seems as though it's an endless, frustrating, and/or hopeless season. "Wait" is a word I have personally heard in my prayer time, and I've began to hear it more and more lately. Though it frustrated me at first, I began to realize that all the good things and all the blessings that come from the Lord TAKE TIME. Abraham waited twenty-five years for a promised child. Joseph waited thirteen years for his promised destiny. Moses waited forty years for his Promised Land. And yes, you guessed it, even Jesus waited. He silently waited, unassuming for years, for his destiny that would change the lives of men and women forever.
There is so much to be learned during this "waiting process" that we must go through. In those times of waiting, remember that you are DEPENDENT on the Lord. As said in the previous blog, we may sometimes have to lay aside our hopes, dreams, and/or goals and completely surrender to his. I believe that THAT is the bigger picture that God wants us single Christians to see. The waiting? That's not about God withholding something or someone from us. It's basically him showing that the only things we need to desire is found in, and from, him. You do not get what you want when YOU want it. You get what you DESERVE when GOD wants is.
Trust and follow him. Marriage may not happen. A relationship may not happen. What YOU want may not happen. But, do not look at it as a punishment --- look at it as his protection. He is simply preparing you for blessings, instead of throwing you head-first into a relationship that you may not be ready for. This time of waiting is helping you gain strength, faith, obedience. Surrender yourself to his good and PERFECT plan, instead of clinging to your imperfect one. He loves you too much to allow you to settle for something or someone that will not give you the fulfillment that you think you need. You may have to follow him into the storm, but know you are ALWAYS in his destiny. We may not know what certain things mean or why certain things happen. Just know that in those moments, He will give you joy, peace, comfort, and completeness. You may begin to doubt again tomorrow, but HIS MERCIES are new every morning. He walks with you everyday. Our weakness doesn't surprise God, and it doesn't test his strength. Wait patiently for the Lord. YOU are precious to him.
"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him..." Psalm 37:7